What to Expect
Rêver Gatherings
What to Expect at a Rêver Gathering
While our Sunday gatherings do stick to a certain structure, we tend to value flexibility over rigidity. Every week is a little different, because we’re spiritually sensitive to what God is doing, both in our lives and in the community.
Regardless, you can expect a few things when you join us:
- To be listened to and valued.
- To be encouraged to be vulnerable and share your most authentic self.
- To never feel like another face in the crowd.
- To have fun, laugh, and make new friends.
- To sing! We love singing along to the songs that inspire and reinforce our love for God.
You can also visit our Facebook page to see clips from weekly sermons, upcoming events, and so much more. It’s a great way to see if Rêver is the type of church that gets you excited about celebrating your relationship with God.
We like to take time to honor God through our worship, typically with a song. Here at Rêver, we love singing and clapping along to the lyrics and beat of our favorite inspirational tunes.
Feel free to sing and clap with us! All the words to the songs will be on the screen. Don’t feel pressured to sing out loud, though — we’re just happy you’ve joined us. When you’re ready, jump on in.
We receive tithe and offering each week. Rêver is a local church that exists solely on the generosity of those who give. All donations are tax deductible, and our budget and expenses are approved and overseen by our church body. You can give in the envelope provided or from your smartphone at www.reverchurch.com/give
Coffee Break
Take a few minutes to say hello to people, grab a cup of coffee, or use the restroom. After about five minutes, we’ll begin the morning message.
We have a rotating team of exceptionally gifted and passionate preachers. Each week we have a 30-minute message that’s Bible-centered, applicable, and engaging.
If you want to get to know our amazing team a bit better, don’t miss our About page.
Response Time
We feel that it’s important for you to respond to what God may be doing in your life. After the message, there will be a short worship time where everyone has a chance to reflect and respond to God. Once per month we also include the Lord’s Supper (Communion) during response time.

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Help Build the Dream
Your generous financial support allows us to continue to live out our purpose of making friends, finding family, and releasing dreams while honoring God. If you are able to donate, know that all contributions go directly to the ministry and all donations are tax deductible. Thank you for being a part of the dream here at Rêver!